We Sing!
Many connections were made or remade on May 14th, but one thing that connected all of us was the music performed by the Open’s musical community members–whether former students, their parents, or music teachers, the songs and the joy with which they were performed spoke to us. Tom Valens had set up a video camera on a tripod in front of the stage, and after the celebration he edited out the “in between” moments to create this souvenir of a wonderful day. Some songs took us back to a time they were sung at school, others reflect the current moment in the life of the performer. Howie Cort coordinated the house band, and she and Dave came up with the order of the performances. Just as at the Alumni Art Show, they came from all the decades of Open. Copy and paste this address to see what I mean! https://vimeo.com/718955830/a08b6cca94
The Alumni Art Show is coming up!
We are so excited to have this opportunity to bring together the creative energy of 5 decades of Open students! Go to http://lagunitasopenclassroom.com/alumni-art-show/ and register by March 1! And then think of another Open alumni who makes art, and tell them to sign up too. And then put April 22 on your calendar for the reception!
May 14th’s the date for the Big Event!
Put May 14th on your calendar! Tell all your Open Classroom contacts too! Lots of planning to do between then and now, so stay tuned for more information. One thing you can be pretty sure of: there will be music, dancing, and lots of storytelling!